All of our attorneys are Fellows of the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys, and have over 25 years of experience in adoptions, including private adoptions and intra-family adoptions. This includes representation of adoptive parents, stepparents, LGBTQ families, birth mothers, alleged biological fathers, and legal fathers.
If you are considering growing your family through adoption, or placing your child for adoption, the first thing you should do is speak with an adoption professional.
While adoption is a positive and joyful moment in a family’s life, making the decision to adopt is a big step. Talking with an adoption professional does not obligate you, however it is important for you to have your questions answered regarding cost, birth parents’ rights, and the complete legal process. Having your questions addressed will assist in determining whether adoption is an option for you.

Our firm can assist you with any private (including ICPC), intrafamily, grandparent, same sex, foster children, or adult adoptions. We also handle any post placement litigation.
Our attorneys are well-versed in the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children law.
We handle interstate adoptions, address father’s parental rights issues, and understand the special laws surrounding Native American adoptions, which involve the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA).
If you adopt a child in another country, depending on his/her immigration status when you bring the child to the United States, Louisiana law allows the foreign decree of adoption to be recognized under the laws of the State of Louisiana. Our attorneys can assist in obtaining finalization and recognition of your foreign adoption in Louisiana.
Our attorneys assist clients with adoption, name changes or status, and have a good understanding of Louisiana and applicable federal laws. Obtaining a qualified adoption attorney is vital, and our attorneys are available to assist you with your adoption process.
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