Application for Adoption Services CONTACT INFORMATIONAdoptive Parent 1 Full NameAdoptive Parent 2 Full NameWork #Work #Cell #Cell #EmailEmailHome #Home #Home AddressParish/CountyPERSONAL INFORMATIONAgeAgeOccupationOccupationEmployerEmployerDo you have a current home study? (Select one) Yes No if Yes, prepared byDate of home studyName of ContactTelephone NumberMARRIAGE AND FAMILYDate of MarriageWhereAny Prior Marriage? If yes, please list dates of divorceAny Children? If yes, please list names and DOBInterest and HobbiesETHNIC BACKGROUND (For Example: Hispanic, Native American, French, African American, Irish, Italian, Etc.)Adoptive Parent 1Adoptive Parent 1POST-ADOPTION CONTACTWhat contact are you willing to have with your birth parent(s) during the adoption process? Ex.: Phone, email, text, Facetime, Skype, or in-personWhat contact are you willing to have with your birth parent(s) after the his/her parental rights have been terminated? Ex.: Phone, email, text, Facetime, Skype, or in-personREASONS YOU WANT TO ADOPTWho referred you to Morris, Lee, Bayle & Willis, LLC?:If no referral, how did you learn about Morris, Lee, Bayle & Willis, LLC?COMMENTS